Lesson 3 – The Window’s Offering

The widow gave all she had to God, trusting Him to provide and care for her. Her actions point us to Jesus, who gave His all for us, even though we fail to trust in God for all things.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

It may surprise you to know that people with the lowest incomes donate a higher percentage of their income than people with more money. Today, we see this dynamic at work in the Bible.

Prayer: Lord God, thank You for taking care of us. Lead us to understand that You provide for us in many different ways. Amen.

God Speaks

What do we know about the scribes mentioned in the Bible? Scribes wrote legal documents, such as contracts, loans, and land sales. Many copied the Old Testament Scriptures by hand onto new scrolls. Scribes were usually associated with the Pharisees, the strict religious leaders who shared their appreciation for the Law. Some taught religion. Some served as priests. They joined other religious leaders to arrest and execute Jesus.

Jesus had many encounters with scribes. Sometimes they came to question Him. Sometimes Jesus saw them in the temple. This lesson finds Jesus teaching in the temple a few days before His crucifixion.

Earlier this day, the chief priests, scribes, and elders confronted Jesus in the temple and asked who gave Him authority to teach and act. His answer flustered them.

Read Mark 12:38-40.

What did Jesus criticize about the scribes? Scribes' long robes showed their wealth. They liked to be acknowledged and greeted in public. They enjoyed taking the best seats in synagogues and at feasts. They "devoured' or stole, widows' houses. They made a show with long public prayers.

What was wrong with their behavior? Instead of showing kindness, humility, and compassion as their religious standing required, scribes used their position to gain material wealth, receive fame and its benefits, and take advantage of weak and helpless people. Their behavior appalled our Lord.

What did Jesus say would happen to the scribes? As religious leaders who took advantage of their positions instead of caring for God's people, scribes would receive a greater condemnation. The scribes probably heard Jesus speak or were told what He said.

How do you think they received His criticism? The scribes probably resented and rejected His words, which called them to repent. Jesus' teaching, objections to their moneymaking schemes, and earlier cleansing of the temple (Mark 11:15-19) probably made them very angry and defensive.

Follow the directions on the Student Page at the end of the lesson.

Read Mark 12:41-44.

As you read do, list on paper the people Jesus observed.

Verse 41

Where did Jesus sit? Opposite the treasury in the temple. The treasury collected offerings in trumpet-shaped boxes in the Court of Women. Jewish men were also allowed there, but Gentiles could not enter.

What did Jesus see? Jewish people putting money in offering boxe.

Who caught Jesus' attention first? Rich people

What did Jesus notice about their offerings? Many rich people put in large sums of money.

Verses 42-44

Who caught Jesus' attention next? A poor widow.

What did she give? The widow gave two small copper coins worth a penny, one sixty fourth of a day's wages, all she had.

How did Jesus know about the poor widow? Read Hebrews 4:13 (on the Student Page). The widow may have worn clothing that identified her, but Jesus is God, and He knew everything about her, every thought and deed.

How can being "naked and exposed" (Hebrews 4:13) before God be both a good and a difficult concept? God knows us and still loves us! Yet, it's hard to grasp the idea that we can't hide anything from Him.

True widows in the Bible hadn't just lost their spouses; they also lacked financial support. Women supported by a new husband, adult children, or a father-in-law were not called widows. What do Jesus' words and these facts tell you about the widow? This extremely poor widow put everything she had to live on into the offering box; she had no money left.

What did Jesus want His disciples to understand? The rich gave large sums, but only a portion, not all they had. The widow gave everything she had, even though it was a smaller amount. The widow showed her love and devotion to God as well as her faith that the Lord would provide for her. True stewardship gives from the heart and trusts God to care for all our needs.

Jesus did not condemn the wealthy for their riches or their donations. He used "the sacrifice of a widow to illustrate for His disciples the character of absolute dependence on God.

Rich people gave a portion of their wealth, what they did not need, out of duty, to be seen by others and to get self-glory. The poor widow gave out of her poverty all that sustained her, what she needed, because she wanted to, because she loved God and gave to God’s glory. Jesus gave His grace, love and obedience to His heavenly Father by giving His life because He loved us and out of humility to the glory of God.

How was the widow's offering similar to the offering Jesus was about to make on the cross for our sins? The widow's gift foreshadowed the gift Christ gave on the cross. She gave her all with trust that God would provide. Jesus gave His life with trust that His heavenly Father would raise Him from the dead. Jesus gave His all to provide us with forgiveness of sins, life everlasting, and all we need, our "daily bread".

In the Fourth Petition of the Lord's Prayer, we ask God to “give us this day our daily bread." How does this petition show our trust in God? Like the widow, we trust and pray that God will give us everything we need. He loves us and gives us all good gifts (James 1:17). He even sent His Son to be our Savior, to die on the cross to forgive our sins, and to rise from the dead to give us the promise of eternal life and a bodily resurrection on the Last Day.


We Live

Watch the video, "God Pie”.

What message did you get from the video? Some hear God's Law condemning selfishness. Others hear God's grace in the generosity shown.

Near the end, a person says God brought the pie. What does this mean? God gives us everything we have. Everything belongs to Him. 

God owns everything, so what belongs to us? Nothing. We are caretakers and stewards of the gifts God gives us.

On the Student Page, read the First Article of the Apostles' Creed and its meaning and answer the questions.

What does God give us, and why? God gives us what we need every day to support our body and life, protects us from danger, and guards and preserves us from evil. God gives out of love, fatherly divine goodness, and mercy. We do nothing to earn or deserve these gifts.

What spiritual gifts does God give us? Through His Word and Sacraments, God gives us faith, forgiveness of sin, eternal life, and power to live for Him.

What do we owe the Lord, and why? The catechism says that for all God has done for us, we should "thank and praise, serve and obey Him." In gratitude, we give generously back to God so the Church can proclaim Christ.

What do these verses say to you? Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 (on the Student Page). God's grace abounds so that our needs are supplied. We respond to the grace given us by giving cheerfully for the needs of others.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to see all we have as a gift from You. Help us to use these gifts wisely and to honor You in all we do. Bless us and keep us in the one true faith. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

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