Dear Friends in Christ,

Some people say that Christmas is the biggest festival, the most important day in world history. I understand that thinking, namely that we wouldn't get any benefit at all if Jesus had never been born and been on earth.
But Jesus' birth, by itself, wouldn't be enough. Neither would his death! His death would only mean that sin had taken the life of one more person. In Jesus' case, this would have been tragic!!

That's not just my opinion. Take God's Word for it...

If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith .... We are found to be false witnesses about God .... Your faith is futile; you are still in your sins.

Then those who have fallen asleep (died, even in faith) are lost. (1 Corinthians 15.14-19)
Some Christians kid or chide others for coming to "church" (i.e. worship) only twice a year. They call such folks "C & E Christians." While it's important, even commanded to worship weekly and often, the "C & E'rs" do understand one thing:

Easter is crucial!
Because Jesus was raised from the dead, God will raise us from the dead.
Because Jesus lives, we will live also (even forever with the Lord in heaven).
Because Jesus lives we have hope in the midst of an otherwise hopeless situation.

Our life has been extended through eternity. Our life is enriched with Christ's living presence within us now. Our life is also blessed in that we will be forever with the Lord, recreated and renewed because of Jesus.
This means that death has been de-fused, defeated and we are delivered from its grasp. The grip of Jesus Christ... his grip of life now prevails.
These are HUGE, LIFE-CHANGING truths!

Easter therefore is not just a celebration of spring; it's a reality of new, true life, as God has willed it from the beginning of time.
Our life is now a life to be lived in this reality. We belong fully to God through Jesus. Life is great; life is different!
Let's show our gratitude by our Easter worship, our service to him, our support of His mission and by our entire life!


Pastor John Fair