Ebenezer Lutheran Church COVID updates

In light of the recent changes in the CDC guidelines and the easing of COVID restrictions from the NC Governor, the Council has approved several changes in church and worship protocols.  During indoor worship and adult meetings, those who are fully vaccinated, masks and social distancing will no longer by mandated/necessary in most situations.  For those who have not been vaccinated, masks are not required, but we strongly encourage you to use good judgement in all interactions with others.  Many, vaccinated or not, may feel comfortable continuing to wear a mask for a little longer – and we support those thoughts.  Regardless of your vaccine status or personal preferences, we strongly recommend that each member try to think of and be respectful of those around you.

Ebenezer has installed two means by which our sanctuary is as safe as possible.  We have hospital grade filters for our air exchange units.  We have also recently installed a bipolar ionization air treatment unit that cleans and neutralizes the air from viral, bacterial, and allergenic particles.  These safety measures run continually during our services!

In this new phase of re-opening, the bulletins and offertory plates will remain in the back on the church on the pew tops.  Hymnals will be returned for general usage.  The kneelers will once again be available for use during the confession.  Communion will remain unchanged as a walk up, single file celebration.

The council of Ebenezer welcomes any comments from the congregation and will continue to provide updates as future events unfold.